API reference

This page provides an auto-generated summary of mixsea’s API. For more details and examples, refer to the relevant chapters in the main part of the documentation.

Overturn-based parameterization

overturn.eps_overturn(depth, t, SP, lon, lat)

Calculate turbulent dissipation based on the Thorpe scale method. This function cannot handle NaNs in the input data, but there is another called `nan_eps_overturn' that attempts to.

overturn.nan_eps_overturn(depth, t, SP, lon, ...)

Calculate turbulent dissipation based on the Thorpe scale method attempting to deal NaN values in the input data.

Shear/strain-based parameterization

shearstrain.shearstrain(depth, t, SP, lon, lat)

Compute krho and epsilon from CTD/LADCP data via the shear/strain parameterization.

shearstrain.nan_shearstrain(depth, t, SP, ...)

Compute krho and epsilon via shear/strain parameterization attempting to deal NaN values in the input data.


Generate wavenumber vector

shearstrain.latitude_correction(f, N)

Latitudinal correction term

shearstrain.strain_polynomial_fits(depth, t, ...)

Calculate strain with a smooth \(N^2\) profile from polynomial fits to windowed data.

shearstrain.strain_adiabatic_leveling(depth, ...)

Calculate strain with a smooth \(N^2\) profile based on the adiabatic leveling method.

shearstrain.gm_shear_variance(m, iim, N)

GM model shear variance

shearstrain.gm_strain_variance(m, iim, N)

GM model strain variance.

shearstrain.find_cutoff_wavenumber(P, m, ...)

Find cutoff wavenumber for spectrum integration.

shearstrain.diffusivity(eps, N[, Gam])

Calculate vertical diffusivity


Compute kinematic internal wave aspect ratio term based shear/strain ratio shear/strain parameterization.


Compute kinematic internal wave aspect ratio term based shear/strain ratio for strain-only parameterization


nsq.adiabatic_leveling(P, S, T, lon, lat[, ...])

Generate smooth buoyancy frequency profile by adiabatic leveling.

Other functions

helpers.psd(g, dx[, axis, ffttype, detrend, ...])

Compute power spectral density.

